Friday 7 October 2016

ASSIGNMENT 22A : Analyse features of single camera sequences

ASSIGNMENT A  :  Analysing the features of single camera productions

You are to individually research and prepare a  report or detailed presentation explaining in detail the main features of single camera productions . You should use a range of examples of either feature films, serials, short films or series , focusing on specific episodes and scenes. 

You should analyse at least three full length or short  films, serials or series in detail analysing all of the categories below.  You should in particular focus on detail and depth in analysing Narrative Techniques and Technical Methods.
Your report must include explanation of the following :

P1 Format     Series/serial/feature film/ short film / single drama

Summarise how you know your examples' format, and explain how your examples use or change  the conventions of their format, such as closed endings , longform narratives etc.

P1 Genre   Crime, comedy, action, horror, scifi, period drama, drama documentary  etc.

Analyse how your examples use or change the conventions of their genre , such as setting, themes, plot, characters, props,  and costume. You can also analyse how your films and programmes mix or refer to other genres.

M1 Narrative Techniques 

How the story is told, and how information is given to the audience about the plot and characters of the film, series or serial. You need to look at the film/series/serial as a whole , as well as finding specific examples ( scenes, episodes etc. ) to support the points you make.

Single strand / multi strand narrative ( one single story based round one or two characters or situations / multiple storylines based round range of different  characters and situations)

Realist style ( realistic in filming style, editing, narrative and mis-en-scene )
 Anti-realist  style ( unrealistic, exaggerated  or deliberately artificial in filming style, editing , narrative and mis-en-scene. May also  include fantastic  elements , lots of nondiegetic sound , nonlinear elements or strange and surreal moments.)

Short form or longform narrative  (  feature films or series = shortform narrative of 30 minutes-2 hours , serial= longform narrative 6-50 hours )
Narrative pace ( amount and pace of events and different plot points )

Linear/nonlinear elements ( nonlinear elements e.g flashbacks , flashforwards, alternative versions of plot etc.)

Narrative openings ( what information about genre, setting,situation, characters and plot is given)

Open/closed endings ( if your sequence is a closing scene  , examine in detail how much information is given to the audience to end the plot and the characters' individual narratives and what unresolved questions there may be for the audience )

D1 Technical methods used to build scenes and narratives    

Mis-en-scene  ( everything in the scene)
Use of camera shots,  framing , angles and movement
Use of lighting and colour
Use of sound : diegetic music, non-diegetic music, sound effects.
Use of editing: cuts, fades and pace of edits.
Use of script and dialogue :  Information about plot , character  and setting. Amount and level of information, including use of slang and terminology.

You need to analyse in detail your chosen scenes for these technical methods, repeatedly watching it to gain the information you need. The points you make about technical methods should  also add detail about how format, genre and narrative features are created.

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